After developing the current Logo for New Bold Block, I decided to make a fancy Logo ident to go along with it and document the process.
I started with research and experimentation and tested my knowledge of lighting 3D objects in this first style frame. The frame also carries one of the earliest versions of the logo and kicked off the creative search for a logo that best represented my brand style.
The emoji shot was my favorite part of the entire project. They conveyed how I felt through various parts of the process-- confused, happy, confident, and frustrated.
I created the emojis in aftereffect, used the mighty Newton plugin to simulate the physics, exported them as a png sequence to texture the screen in C4d, and finally composited them in after effects.
I gained clarity on the project by objectively asking myself and the people closest to me how they felt about my animation and designs. It was easier to decide after their input. Black was a natural choice for the logo because I'm obsessed with it. Black is Bold, cool, and fresh.
The final shot is New Bold Block and the culmination of the entire creative process.